In The News

Oaky Grove Farm Preservation

August 28,2023
The Karen Community Farm at Oaky Grove leases it’s farmland from a larger farm named Oaky Grove.
Recently the Oaky Grove farm had it’s conservation easement approved after many years of hard work.
Wake County Commissioners unanimously approved funding for a conservation easement that will be held by Triangle Land Conservancy to ensure 112 acres of forest land and prime farmland will remain for generations to come.

June 17, 2023

Taylor Norton blogger and social media enthusiast wrote a beautiful blog centering around our farm stand. She includes many photos and a wonderful perspective of the farm and all involved on the farm…take a read!

Here’s a short preview!

Hi everyone!  I don’t know about you, but it feels like summer is knocking on our doorstep today.  Our southern heat and humidity have just about knocked me out for the day.  Luckily, this past weekend wasn’t too bad.  I took advantage of the beautiful weather on Sunday and headed over to Karen Community Farm at Oaky Grove in Wendell, North Carolina to try some Thai shaved ice and browse their farm stand. I originally came for a snack but left with a sense that the farmers embody family love, cultural celebration, and organic, sustainable farming practices…..

The Conservation Efforts of the Karen Community Farm.

May 25, 2023

Written by Joshua Hammond, NRCS

Kree Paw Sain showing her flowers growing in the high tunnel to local NRCS agent. NRCS featured KCFOG in honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Karen Community Farm Featured in NC State Podcast

“Community Gardens: To Plant Is To Believe”


Karen Community Farm is the subject of a brand-new “Farms, Foods and You” podcast hosted by Dee Shore of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. This podcast series “explores these issues with NC State University experts and others with deep ties to agriculture and food-related industries in North Carolina and beyond.” In this episode called “Community Gardens: To Plant Is To Believe,” Dee Shore explores the relationship between community gardening and tradition keeping on Karen Community Farm in Wendell, NC.

To listen to more podcasts by NC State’s College of Agriculture and Life Science’s Dee Shore, visit this link Farms, Food and You Podcast